Inside Out by Amma G.

Inside Out by Amma G.

By Amma G.

The Inside Out podcast is all about intrapreneurship. So what is intrapreneurship? Intrapreneurship happens when someone takes the initiative to pursue innovative p​r​o​d​u​c​ts, services or ideas within a company or organization. Why intrapreneurship? Truth is, most of us are intrapreneurs. Most of us are trying to navigate within a system, an institution, a construct and trying to figure out how to express our thoughts, ideas and personalities in that machinery. This podcast will help you to do just that by challenging you to do the hard work: #heartwerk.


2.6 Issa Wrap!

And that's it folks! In this episode I distill all of the lessons learned from guests and provide an overview of my biggest takeaways. I, like you, have learned a lot along the journey and I look forward to the next Season!  We will be hosting a paneRead more


2.5 Just Do It!

Fear is hard. I have recently adopted a check system where I ask myself : Am I not doing something because I am hoping for something or because I am afraid of something else. If the answer is “afraid”, I have to sit with myself about what specificallRead more


2.4 Relax, Relate, Release--- Reflect!

Reflection, as discussed in season 1, is the glue that holds everything together. It is the silent hero of our work because it is what saves us from being stuck in the same place for years. Developing a reflection practice ensures we are making progrRead more


2.3 Innovation= Change + Creativity

There is an irony in the fact that Africa as the continent with the youngest demographic, with people bursting with talent and ideas is also the continent where young people are less likely to be given a chance to be expressive, be creative and innovRead more


2.2 STOP! Collaborate and Listen

No man is an island. Thus, an integral part of intrapreneurship is developing intrapersonal skills that can be leveraged to make impact.  In this episode, we looked at navigating different types of relationships in an organization. Sometimes its abouRead more

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